Apple Patents A 3D Hologram Display System With Gesture Input

Apple goes one step  1Z0-409 exams ahead now, according to apple insider apple…

Apple Pay to arrive in India soon ?

Yes, though we are not confirmed, but Apple is indeed planning to…

Apple patents android-like unlocking system for its next generation iPhones/iPads

It seems like Apple is heading towards Android-Like gestures for its products…

Apple’s stock nosedives 6 percent in an abnormal trading period

In what many stock analysts are terming as a “robot training” period,…

Citing foreign exchange hikes, Apple to raise app prices in India within 24 hours

Citing foreign exchange rate hikes as one of the major concerns, Apple…

The A9 chip battle finally resolved, TSMC takes iPad while Samsung takes iPhone

Samsung and TSMC have been fighting tooth and nail, to get the…

[GUIDE] Check if your iPhone has MLC or TLC NAND Flash Memory

Apple’s latest flagships, the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus, have taken a setback with…

Apple’s WatchKit is here, allows developers to start building apps for the upcoming wearable

Apple has today announced the launch of its software development tools for…

Here is how to Protect yourself from Masque Attack!

A couple of days back, we reported on the so-called Masque Attack…

Jailbreaking iOS and rooting Android may continue to remain legal in the U.S.

EFF (Electronics Frontier Foundation), announced this week, that they have filed a…

Sony changes its release policy, will now launch one smartphone per year

Sony Mobiles has finally decided to amend its strategy of launching two…

[FEATURE] iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus crush every other smartphone on the planet !

  Yes, Apple has yet again demonstrated that blindly putting the topmost…

Fresh iPad Air 2 component leaks show an A8x chip and 2 GB of RAM

Last week, a set of iPad Air 2 component photographs were leaked…