Facebook IT & Web-tech News [UPDATE]Facebook’s testing a cleaner new Business Page layout with smaller profile picture and prominent CTA button Don’t be surprised if you notice a change in your Facebook Page… June 23, 20169 comments4 minute read
Facebook Google IT & Web-tech News Twitter Google, Facebook and Twitter are being sued for aiding terrorist propaganda in Paris attacks Reynaldo Gonzalez, the father of a victim of the gruesome Paris attacks… June 17, 2016No comments2 minute read
Facebook News Facebook kills SMS, brings your age-old SMS texting to Messenger’s Android app If you still send SMSes (Short Message Service, for those of us… Deepanshu KhandelwalJune 15, 2016One comment2 minute read
Facebook IT & Web-tech News Productivity Facebook wants you to download another app to save your photos from being canned Facebook now believes that the forced tactic of making users download an… June 11, 2016No comments2 minute read
Facebook News Facebook now lets you comment using videos More vivid commenting options coming your way facebooker ! The social networking… Deepanshu KhandelwalJune 10, 2016No comments2 minute read
Facebook IT & Web-tech News Security Researchers discover Facebook Messenger vulnerability that allows hackers to alter conversations A security flaw that allows a malicious user to alter a past(or… June 7, 2016No comments2 minute read
Facebook Mobile News Two years under development, Instagram finally releases new iOS share extensions In a continued bid to match up parent Facebook and siblings Whatsapp… Mir Juned HussainJune 7, 2016No comments2 minute read
Facebook IT & Web-tech News Security Facebook, Netflix and others may force users to change and set new passwords With the advent of a slew of startups and Internet businesses, there… June 7, 2016No comments2 minute read
Facebook Gaming IT & Web-tech News Facebook enters gaming with Blizzard Entertainment partnership, integrates login and Live into Overwatch Facebook is the social network that has managed to engulf all people on… June 7, 2016No comments3 minute read
Facebook IT & Web-tech News Security Zuckerberg’s social accounts hijacked and vandalised, LinkedIn Database dump to blame You precariously try to keep your social media accounts and its security… June 6, 2016One comment2 minute read
Facebook IT & Web-tech News Facebook board wants to keep control of the company in event of Zuckerberg’s departure The face of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is currenty the majority stake holder… June 3, 2016One comment2 minute read
Facebook Google IT & Web-tech Microsoft News Twitter Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft join hands to support new EU hate speech rules The European Commission along with several tech giants– Facebook, Twitter, Google’s YouTube and Microsoft,… Mir Juned HussainMay 31, 2016No comments2 minute read
Facebook IT & Web-tech News Facebook will start showing you ads, even if (somehow!) you are a non facebooker If you’re one of those rare species, who still haven’t jumped on… May 27, 2016No comments3 minute read
Facebook IT & Web-tech Microsoft News Microsoft and Facebook join forces to build a high-speed subsea cable network across Atlantic In an unusual turn of events, Microsoft and Facebook have today announced… May 27, 2016No comments2 minute read
Facebook IT & Web-tech News Facebook puts an end to ‘Trending Topics’ bias allegations but plans to introduce major changes Facebook has been taking jabs left and right since the controversy around… May 24, 2016No comments3 minute read
Business Facebook IT & Web-tech News Facebook acquires VR audio platform ‘Two Big Ears’, announces ‘Facebook 360 Spatial Workstation’ In a bid to enhance its virtual reality offering, Facebook announced on Monday… Mir Juned HussainMay 23, 2016No comments3 minute read
Facebook IT & Web-tech News Facebook launches interactive live video map which marks live broadcasts from around the globe Facebook’s Live Video broadcasting service has been around for a decent time now.… Mir Juned HussainMay 20, 2016No comments2 minute read
Facebook IT & Web-tech News Facebook Boasts 10k Bot Developers, Hints At The Imminent Introduction Of Bot Analytics Within just a month’s launch of the Facebook Messenger chatbots, about ten… May 11, 2016No comments3 minute read
Business Facebook IT & Web-tech Mobile News Dynamic Ads Come To Instagram Alongside Two Other Ad Tech Services Facebook first launched Dynamic Ads, an ads re-targeting service just last year… Mir Juned HussainMay 11, 2016No comments3 minute read
Amazon Reports Yet Another Profitable Quarter, RBI Lays Down P2P Guidelines | The Bulletin Amazon continues its run of awesomeness with fourth consecutive profitable quarter. RBI… May 1, 2016No comments1 minute read
Business Facebook News Facebook Faces Class-Action Lawsuit For Its Plans Of Issuing New Class C Stock Options Facebook just crushed its quarterly results and topped Q1 this week, but… April 30, 2016No comments2 minute read