Culture & Policy News Tesla rejigs its Autopilot software team, hires renowned deep learning researcher Andrej Karpathy Over the past few months, Tesla’s Autopilot division has been plagued with… June 21, 2017No comments3 minute read
Infosys’ former head of US immigration files lawsuit against company Erin Green first joined Infosys in 2011 as the head of immigration… June 21, 2017No comments2 minute read
Culture & Policy Enterprise News Here is Square’s first ever diversity report, and snippets from its ally program Square recently released its first ever diversity report. The Jack Dorsey led… Mudit MohilayJune 21, 2017No comments2 minute read
Culture & Policy News Post acquisition, Amazon plans to downplay Whole Foods’ extravagant brand image: Report Yesterday, Amazon stunned everyone when it revealed that it had agreed to… June 17, 2017No comments2 minute read
Culture & Policy News Twitter’s VP of finance, live video engineering depart the company Twitter’s management exodus doesn’t seem to be taking any breaks. Even though… June 17, 2017No comments2 minute read
Culture & Policy News Apple ropes in two leading Sony executives to lead its push into original content creation Should Netflix and Amazon beware of the onslaught of Apple’s original programming,… June 16, 2017No comments3 minute read
Culture & Policy News At long last, Arunabh Kumar breaks his silence, only to step down as CEO of TVF Arunabh Kumar, the person who’d stepped up to completely change the face… June 16, 2017No comments2 minute read
Infosys dealt a significant blow, president & U.S head Sandeep Dadlani quits company With everything that’s currently ongoing at Infosys, the Indian IT giant has… June 16, 2017No comments2 minute read
Culture & Policy News Facebook wants your inputs regarding censorship, false news, and what is acceptable on the platform Facebook is one of the biggest human communities ever. Actually, allow me… Mudit MohilayJune 15, 2017No comments2 minute read
Consumer Tech Culture & Policy News Starting today, EU has scrapped most roaming mobile charges In a judgement which had been a long time coming, the European… June 15, 2017No comments3 minute read
Culture & Policy News Rumors of Peter Thiel resorting to teen blood transfusions to stay young forever are probably false The Silicon valley was sent into a tizzy when rumors of Peter… Mudit MohilayJune 14, 2017No comments2 minute read
Culture & Policy News Chan Zuckerberg Initiative creates $5Mn fund to divulge down payment home support to educators Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the philanthropic organization launched by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg… June 14, 2017No comments3 minute read
Culture & Policy News Uber board member David Bonderman resigns after making sexist remark at all-hands meeting While Uber has been trying to battle the sexist and misogynistic environment… June 14, 2017No comments3 minute read
Culture & Policy News David Richter appointed as Uber’s new SVP of business, the number two in command Moments after we heard rumbles about the independent investigation results, it was… June 13, 2017No comments2 minute read
Culture & Policy News Google settles long-standing tax dispute with Indonesian Government After months of going back and forth, the Indonesian government has today… June 13, 2017No comments2 minute read
Culture & Policy News Startups Uber to accept all recommendations given in Holder Report Uber has seen several upheavals in the past few months with several… June 12, 2017No comments2 minute read
How 40 Years Of Star Wars Has Saved My Life May 25th was Star Wars 40th Birthday. 40 years since my life changed… James AltucherJune 11, 2017No comments5 minute read
Culture & Policy News Electronic Arts’ NFS and FIFA 2018 are here folks, time to get the aderaline pumping again Electronic Arts’ announcing game after game at its EA event people and… Mudit MohilayJune 11, 2017No comments1 minute read
Culture & Policy News Check out Electronic Arts’ Madden 18 – Longshot, fantastic graphics! Electronic Arts has just announced a fantastic, fantastic game.I can’t comment on… Mudit MohilayJune 11, 2017No comments1 minute read
Culture & Policy News Electronic Arts announces Star Wars: Battlefront 2, watch the trailer here! Electronic Arts has announced a slew of games at its E3 event… Mudit MohilayJune 11, 2017No comments1 minute read
Culture & Policy News Taylor Swift cozies up with Spotify and other streaming services once again! Swifties, here’s some super exciting news for you guys! Taylor Swift has… June 9, 2017No comments2 minute read