Gadgets Mobile News The new Note 7s will bear a green battery indicator to differentiate them from the defective ones After a handful of Samsung Galaxy Note 7s blew up or plain… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 16, 2016No comments2 minute read
Consumer Tech Gadgets News iPhone 7 teardown: Incredibly thin A10 chip and an Intel Modem confirmed What would you do if you got your hands on an iPhone… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 16, 2016No comments2 minute read
News Startups Uber’s scheduled rides hit eight new cities in the UK Last month, Uber launched a new service known as scheduled rides that… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 16, 2016No comments2 minute read
Gadgets News Apple’s iPhone 7 inventory unable to catch up with demand, jet black and Plus models already sold out Apple’s iPhone 7 is playing hard to get! The Cupertino giant issued… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 16, 2016No comments1 minute read
Apps Futurism News Artificial Intelligence will now predict text on SwiftKey for Android When Microsoft acquired SwiftKey this year, we knew something big was going… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 16, 2016One comment2 minute read
Gadgets News Qualcomm could just make dual-lens cameras common on smartphones We’ve already seen it on the Huawei P9 and also on the iPhone 7,… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 15, 2016One comment2 minute read
Apple News MacBook Pro is next up in Apple’s ‘Abandon the headphone jack’ campaign The MacBook Pro lineup is expected to see a revamp next month.… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 15, 2016No comments1 minute read
Internet News No more fake stories in Trending topics on Facebook A couple of weeks ago, Facebook drove into a bit of trouble… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 15, 2016No comments1 minute read
Consumer Tech Gadgets News Amazon’s Echo Dot is back at a lower price of just $50 As an answer to many customers’ need for a way to connect their… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 14, 2016No comments2 minute read
Enterprise Google News Google AdWords get new Universal app campaigns and video capabilities At dmexco in Germany today, Google announced two new updates to its… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 14, 2016One comment2 minute read
Apps News Facebook Messenger’s calling feature is now 300M users strong Facebook’s continued dominance over your personal messaging and audio calling space just… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 12, 2016No comments2 minute read
Apps News Google brings Cardboard Camera to iOS Google is on a roll with its photos-centric apps on iOS. Just a… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 12, 2016No comments2 minute read
IT & Web-tech Mobile News No more Insta-bullying as Instagram launches a keyword blacklist tool with more personalized comments In a time when social media platforms are invaded by bullies and… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 12, 2016No comments2 minute read
Cloud Computing Enterprise News Your team working on a project on Office 365 ? Well, you can now invite experts to join with ‘guest access’ Collaboration tools like Office 365 are amazing, no doubt about it. These… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 9, 2016One comment2 minute read
Apps Internet News Google Photos for iOS gets updated with Live Photos-centric features Earlier in June, Google released an app called Motion Stills on iOS… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 9, 2016No comments2 minute read
#Apple2016 Code News iOS 10 Gold Master goes live for beta testers five days before actual launch. Courage. More treat from Apple. iOS 10 Gold Master — as was common… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 9, 2016No comments1 minute read
Pokémon Go becomes the fastest game to reach a staggering $500 million in revenue Those of you who followed Apple’s iPhone event yesterday will know how John… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 8, 2016No comments2 minute read
Amazon’s Echo could soon get push notifications Amazon’s Echo will soon be able to give you heads up on… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 8, 2016No comments2 minute read
Apps Enterprise News Updated Gugi banking trojan can now force its way past new Android 6.0 Marshmallow security features Kaspersky Lab announced today that a trojan is out in the wild… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 7, 2016No comments2 minute read
Cloud Computing News Adobe’s Creative Cloud gets a handful of new updates focused on collaboration, VR, 3D and animation Adobe’s Creative Cloud video tools are the to-go tools when it comes to professional… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 6, 2016No comments3 minute read
Gadgets News Samsung Galaxy Note 7 recall will cost a ‘heartbreaking amount’, that reportedly amounts to $1 Billion Just a few days into the release of the Samsung Galaxy Note… Mir Juned HussainSeptember 6, 2016No comments2 minute read