Cyanogen Inc. has been going through a phase of internal trouble for the last couple of months. Starting with layoffs, closure of one of their offices, and exit of a prominent founder, the company recently decided to shut down a significant portion of its infrastructure and services. This decision also affected the community driven project called Cyanogen Mod, which decided to promptly continue on their path with the release of a forked version of the previous OS.

For those not familiar with Cyanogen, it is currently a software company hanging by a thin thread. It had entered the market wth the aim of changing the outlook of users towards Android. Using the open-source Android code to develop a marketable version of the OS, it wanted to compete against Google’s vanilla offering. It wanted to show off additional capabilities of their service but failed miserably to market it. And now the company is almost dead but the community isn’t.

The community driven project, which has now been named Lineage, is steadily picking up the development of the software where Cyanogen had left it. It has seen a team of developers working on CynaogenMod come together to bring back to life their forked version of Android. It started out a couple weeks ago, with the official announcement of a name for their project last week. This is, however, is being followed with the quiet reveal of the branding of the same.

Previously, if you visited the said project’s website or Github page, you wouldn’t notice any branding. But the same has now been updated to bring into the picture a new logo with three interconnected dots on a dark greenish background. There is currently no explanation of what the same represents or stands for but could link to the constant evolution of the software over the years. It’s focusing on the lineage of the operating system, connecting the past, present and the future, says Android Police.

Now that Lineage OS has its identity figured out, it is yet again planning to set itself up as a major contender in the Android ecosystem. It is now a matter of time before we learn more about the specifics of this open-source rebirth. The new branding is expected to be seen across all of its properties, as it unveils its major projects, in the coming months.

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