Amazon launches ‘Amazon One’, a new contactless payment method that requires your palm scan while entering a store

Of all the things that the COVID-19 pandemic has done to the…

Amazon to sell Amazon Go stores’ cashier-less checkout tech to other retailers

Amazon will soon has come up with a new business vertical. The…

Amazon to speed up its ‘same day’ delivery in select U.S. cities

Amazon might be fast, but it’s not the fastest. At least not…

Shopping without checkout? Amazon officially opens cashier-less grocery store!

Amazon had announced this concept for its automated “Amazon Go” store just…

Amazon Go, the cashier-free retail store, is still not ready for public launch due to technical issues

The ruler of the e-commerce space, Amazon, has been vying the offline…

Amazon Go, the future of supermarkets, might require just six human employees to operate

Amazon Go, the brick and mortar supermarkets of the future, took everyone…

Top 5 tech innovations that were hard to ignore in 2016!!

We’re ready to bid adieu to the year 2016 but welcome innovative…