This article was last updated 5 years ago

The WWDC gave us the first look at Apple’s latest line of Operating Systems, including the iOS, the macOS and not to forget, the watchOS. While the public beta for iOS 14 has been live for a good while now, it wasn’t until today that the company announced the beta of watchOS 7, the latest edition to Apple’s industry disrupting smartwatch OS.

While there are a lot of cosmetic changes which don’t really mean all that much, including new faces to apply to your watch, the company is also planning to launch some very cool and useful features with this update. First of all, the watches will be getting a lot of new fitness related features, something that has become an inherent part of all smartwatches. This includes metrics for dance, functional strength training, core training, and cooldown activities.

Moreover, the Apple maps app will be updated to include cycling tracks, and will show nearby places like cafés or bike shops and allow the option to add them to your route.

The OS is also getting some other innovative additions, like the option to automatically detect when you’re washing your hands and provide a 20-second timer. However, the biggest addition, probably, is sleep tracking. Using the watchOS 7, Apple will allow its users to track the amount of sleep they got last night. Moreover, you will be able to view sleep trends over time, and see how consistently you’re meeting your sleep goals.

Moreover, Siri will get some cool updates too, including real time translation and On device dictation.

However, since this is the first addition the OS’s open beta, we advise you to update with caution, as it might still be unstable.