
Facebook has come up with an awesome new conversations feature that will allow users to stay tuned with all the latest happenings. The new feature will live in the search results and will users a look at what the masses are discussing at any given instant of time. Of course, you only get a look at topics your own contacts are discussing but, that is still one cool feature.

So up until now, you could make a search for a particular keyword and piece of news and it would come up with all sorts of stuff like news articles, photos, videos, public posts, pages, groups and so on. Now though, you have a live updating counter that comes up whenever you click on the “Latest Conversations under search. The counter shows exactly how many people are talking about the topic right now. Don’t count on the feature being able to educate you in news though, as often the post will be in an entirely different language and so on.

The feature could also be part of Facebook’s attempt to burst the bubble so to speak. The company believes that often, we have contacts that are exposed to the same sources and have the same overall views about stuff. So we often don’t get to know about the other side of things.

Now, posting stuff in reverse chronological order isn’t exactly the best way to go about educating people in th two sides of a story but it might still enable users to get enough data to form their own conclusions after being aware of both the sides of the story,

The only issue I saw with the latest conversations feature is that it doesn’t auto update. So, once you have run out of the news articles, yo will ave to tap to go back to the main search results where the unit appears, then tap again on the “See All” link to make new posts appear. Although, the counter keeps update itself.

And the unit only appears for search terms that are host to a lot of activity at any given instant of time. The feature isn’t visible on the web yet so it could well be an experiment of some sort as well.

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