This article was last updated 7 years ago

Chinese internet tycoon Tencent, today announced the opening of a brand new data center in Silicon Valley, California. While that announcement continues to draw parallels with the massive influence Chinese tech companies are looking to create in the US, another announcement from Tencent is what will interest Indian tech firms.

Along with the opening of this new datacenter in the US, Tencent also announced that it will open four new data centres globally, with one of them being in Mumbai, India. The other three would be in Seoul, Frankfurt, and Moscow. All four of them would be operational this year, and will add to the company’s already vast, global network of data centres that currently includes Singapore, Toronto, and Hong Kong.

These new data centres have been primarily announced to help Chinese tech companies expand into overseas market. Of course, these centres will cater to local businesses within these locations as well.

Tencent says, that this development comes when there is an increased demand for affordable enterprise cloud solutions from both China and globally. This growing demand comes in particular from online games, online finance, and video. Its current cloud clientele already includes some notable game developers such as Netmable, Aiming, Gamevil, and Supercell.

In its statement, Tencent further added that the new data centres also were part of Tencent’s efforts to widen its portfolio to include emerging technology markets, such as cloud, security, big data, and artificial intelligence.

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