This article was last updated 7 years ago

Netflix, Daydream, Google Daydream VR, Daydream View,VR, Virtual Reality, google

Google wants you to experience VR like never before. The company has time and again said that it wants everyone to experience VR and that was one of the biggest reasons behind the launch of WebVR. The company has now launched a brand new platform called Web VR Experiments, that will act as a home to all of the virtual reality content Google has made available for its users up until now.

The company first introduced WebVR to Chrome on Daydream-ready phones in February. WebVR on Chrome now also works with Google Cardboard, which enables almost anyone with an Android phone and Cardboard to experience virtual reality by simply going to a web address.


To use this service, simply insert your phone into a headset and go to a web address. This is actually the beauty of WebVR. In its typical fashion Google has over simplified the process until you don’t even need to download an application. You can experience all sorts of VR, as quickly as inputting a link. For instance, Konterball allows you to play ping-pong with your friends.

You can also enjoy experiences even if you don’t have a Daydream.

If you don’t have Cardboard or Daydream, you can still play on desktop or on any phone in 2D. WebVR support on Chrome for desktop headsets like Oculus Rift and HTC VIVE is coming soon.

There are some very interesting options available. For instance, there is a new experience called Tap To Go, that allows you to explore places using your voice.

You can learn more about the topic and check out some other experience, by visiting this page. Google appears to be aiming to create a store front sort of stuff which could later be used to sell experiences. For now though, it is all free, so we encourage you to go try stuff out.

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