
Twitter made a fairly important announcement today. Moments is receiving its own analytics and creators will be now able to track the performance of their content.

In case you need a little reminder, Moments is how Twitter envisions telling stories through a series of connected tweets. The feature was launched as Twitter’s take on Snapchat and Instagram Stories. Although, in Twitter’s case, it wasn’t an exact spin-off of Snapchat’s feature because of the obvious differences in format.

Basically, Moments are quick pieces of content that have somewhat more detail than your average tweet. This is possible because Moments string multiple tweets together to create a sort of story. Of course, the feature was popular. But adoption was very slow due to the fact that it wasn’t made available to regular users until November, last year, Until then, brands and celebrities and influencers were privy to the feature and were using it to make their already popular selves, more popular.

Meanwhile, Moments may have failed to garner Twitter the kind of hits it was hoping for. Moments was finally delegated to an Explore tab that was also hope to a lot of other to-do stuff on the platform. That is not to say that Moments is totally dead. For Brands in particular, moments are still going strong — which is what may have prompted Twitter to make today’s announcement.

So what we have now, is a new “View Analytics” option that can be accessed by clicking the down arrow or the three-dot “More” menu. Click again and you will be able to view stuff like opens (number of times a Moment is viewed), unique opens (unique people opening your moments), like, shares and even the completion rate.

The completion rate here refers to the number of people who reached the end of your moments. While a low completion rate probably means content that could be improved further, high good content. The newly assembled suite of tools would  help certainty advertisers and publishers keep track of their efforts and modify them as and when needed. Let’s hope they can leverage them to good effect.

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