Post the launch of its Mi VR Play headset to beta testers in August earlier this year, Xiaomi is now finally releasing the headset to the masses in India. The release of the headgear in the country was announced at the MiPop VR event over the weekend – streamed on social media channels and Mi Live app.
Talking about the specifics of this inexpensive alternative to the widely known Google Cardboard, Mi VR Play is also Cardboard compatible. It aims to provide you with an immersive and intuitive VR experience for cheap on your mobile device itself. Though the design of the headset is fairly basic, it keeps the build sleek and lightweight with the use of Lycra. But Xiaomi has introduced a neat design addition – two way zippers – which holds your smartphone and keeps it from falling. It also includes a textured metal button which when pressed, a silicon button makes direct contact with the screen of the smartphone.
In addition, the Mi VR Play packs in anti-reflective, optical-grade aspheric lens to provide maximum clarity and an immersive 2D/3D experience. The lenses have a high tolerance interval of 0.01 mm. The headset, with dimensions 201x107x91 mm, can easily accomodate any 4.7-inch to 5.7-inch mobile device and the anti-slip strips help keep it secured it in position and aligned with the optical lenses. It will be made available in multiple colors and bold prints, as stated by Xiaomi during the launch in China earlier this year.
Xiaomi has launched Mi VR Play headset for a surprising Rs. 999. It will be up for grabs via Xiaomi’s online store, starting 21 December. Also, some limited edition VR headsets will also be going up for sale on the same day. You could purchase one of these headsets to gain a first-hand experience with VR apps and 360-degree videos.