

Google has now announced, that its Cloud Pub/Sub real-time messaging service which lets developers exchange messages from machines to get details on services and other developer content, is now in Public Beta.

Announcing the Public Beta release via a blogpost, Google said,

We’re making the beta release of Google Cloud Pub/Sub available today, as a way to connect applications and services, whether they’re hosted on Google Cloud Platform or on-premises.

The new Google Cloud Pub/Sub API will provide,

  • Scale: offering all customers, by default, up to 10,000 topics and 10,000 messages per second
  • Global deployment: dedicated resources in every Google Cloud Platform region enhance availability without increasing latency
  • Performance: sub-second notification even when tested at over 1 million messages per second

Google Cloud Pub/Sub is a first-of-its kind service, which allows applications to exchange internal messages among themselves for various service requirements within each other. It’s been tested extensively, supporting critical applications like Google Cloud Monitoring and more notably, Snapchat’s new Discover

Cloud Pub/Sub guarantees that messages will get delivered swiftly to consumers that are online, and to offline consumers when they come back online. Messages can be pushed to any secure Web server, or pulled from anywhere on the Internet.

Moreover, Cloud Pub.Sub has got Google’s vast global infrastructure backing it up, thus allowing developers to communicate even with the most remote regions on earth. Google’s private global fiber network helps publishers ‘fire-and-forget’ with minimal latency, as well as assuring subscribers that their data has redundant forwarding paths.

During the beta period, the service is available for free. Upon coming out of beta, developers will have to pay $0.40 per million for the first 100 million API calls each month. If you have a larger volume requirement, you will have to shed out $0.25 per million for the next 2.4 billion operations (that’s about 1,000 messages per second) and $0.05 per million for messages above that.

Since Google has now announced the Public Beta, we can expect a full-fledge launch in this year’s I/O conference.


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