Recruitment is a time-consuming aspect of running a business, but with the right steps and tools in place, it can be effective and efficient. The good news is that almost every recruitment process can be broken down to the core steps to ensure that both staff and applicants benefit. 

A Clear View of What is Needed

Whether a job opening has newly formed or a staff member has left the company, you can’t advertise for a role until you’re clear about what is needed from the next individual. Analyse the job specifications, including the skills, expertise and knowledge applicants need for the role, and figure out if there are any gaps within the current team where a new applicant could assist. This will help you develop a stronger team each time someone new joins the company, rather than repeating problems that have occurred in the past. 


The best HR software on the market is invaluable when it comes to recruiting new employees. From preparing the job description and assessing the person specification to attracting the right jobseekers, HR software is a great tool for the recruitment process. Software also makes the screening process of applicants much easier, allowing HR teams to track applicants and assess their suitability for the role. 

A Talent Network

The average corporate job advert receives more than 200 applications, so with each advert your business puts out, you can grow your talent base by many applicants. Not all of them will be a good fit, of course, but a good percentage will be and the pre-screening your software will perform will weed out those who are promising. What’s more, some of these individuals may not be right for the current position but may fit another role your business may have further down the line. Building a talent base allows you to have a number of candidates on speed dial – you can even have a sign-up box on your careers page to allow people to apply speculatively so they will learn about new developments in the company first. 

Employee Engagement Strategies

One of the most effective ways to attract applicants to your company is to consider the benefits that your business is offering new employees. These may be in the form of bonuses, benefits and compensation, promotion opportunities, a great company culture and the opportunity for further learning and development within the company. These types of additions will not only bring in more applications but will also provide greater employee retention rates as well. 

A Fulfilling Internship Programme

A great internship programme is essential for businesses who want to hire the very best applicants. Companies like Google have made a success of running internships, bringing in up and coming talent who have the skills but not the experience – many interns gain a great shot of a full-time position through these programmes. Another alternative to a classic internship programme is to run a graduate programme where you can hire recent graduates who can bring a fresh perspective and enthusiasm to your business.