Apps News Russia blocks Telegram in two regions over alleged security concerns Authorities in Russia’s Dagestan and Chechnya have blocked the Telegram messaging app,… Ashutosh SinghMarch 9, 20252 minute read
Apps Culture & Policy Global Internet News Russia threatens WhatsApp ban amid legal compliance deadlock Just as Iranian authorities voted to lift the ban on Meta’s WhatsApp,… Ashutosh SinghDecember 25, 20242 minute read
Culture & Policy News Space Russia says it will leave International Space Station after 2024 amid rising post-Ukraine war tensions For many years, the International Space Station (ISS) has been a symbol… Soumyadeep SarkarJuly 27, 20223 minute read
Crypto Global News Bitcoin climbs to breach $44,000 mark for the first time this week The tensions between Ukraine and Russia have left ripples across industries worldwide.… Soumyadeep SarkarFebruary 15, 20222 minute read
Culture & Policy Internet News SolarWinds attack: Hackers used reseller access to Microsoft services to launch attacks Earlier this month, the world discovered the SolarWinds Hack, which might be… Swastik BhattacharjeeDecember 25, 20202 minute read
News Research Science Russia announces world’s first COVID 19 vaccine, but should we rejoice just yet? COVID-19 has managed to disrupt modern civilization in just a few months,… Upneet SinghAugust 11, 20203 minute read
Futurism Internet Russia has reportedly started working on its own Internet Internet is a beautiful thing. In fact, it’s so beautiful that everyone… Upneet SinghDecember 27, 20192 minute read
Enterprise News Acceding to Russian pressure, western tech companies are granting access to their security secrets A slew of western tech firms appear to have capitulated to the… Mudit MohilayJune 23, 2017No comments2 minute read
Culture & Policy News India opposed to e-commerce trade under FTA with Russia’s EAEU Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin intend to… May 29, 2017No comments3 minute read
Internet News Twitter is ruminating about storing data in Russia Twitter could be thinking of storing some of its data in Russia.… Mudit MohilayApril 20, 2017No comments2 minute read
Internet News In a historic decision, Google is opening the Android platform to competitors in Russia In a first, Google has decided to open up the Android platform… Mudit MohilayApril 17, 2017No comments2 minute read
Internet News FBI is looking into alleged connections between Russians and the Trump campaign during the US elections It is now in black and white. FBI Director James Comey has… Mudit MohilayMarch 21, 2017No comments2 minute read
Internet News And LinkedIn continues to be blocked in Russia LinkedIn was blocked in Russia in November 2016, almost 4 months ago.… Mudit MohilayMarch 8, 2017No comments2 minute read
Internet News Russian hackers are apparently extorting money from liberal political groups One of the unforeseen aftereffects of Internet and all the cyber infrastructure… Mudit MohilayMarch 7, 2017No comments2 minute read
Snowden’s refuge extends for three more years in Russia As per a latest update by Russian Government, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden… Aditya SrivastavaJanuary 19, 2017No comments3 minute read
Google News Google fined $6.75 Million over anti-trust allegations in Russia Google has suffered a major setback when it had lost its anti-monopoly… August 12, 2016No comments2 minute read
IT & Web-tech News Russia Planning To Block Reddit Over A Narcotics Thread The Russian Government seems to be having a short temper roll, literally.… Mir Juned HussainAugust 12, 2015No comments2 minute read
Facebook News Facebook Faces Block-Threat Over Gay-Themed Emojis In Russia Russia doesn’t like homosexuality and it doesn’t want its minors to, in any way,… Mir Juned HussainAugust 1, 2015No comments2 minute read
News Security Russia And China Ink New Cyber-security Pact To Not Attack Each Other On Cyber Fronts If the recently signed Billion dollar trade agreements between Russia and China… Deepanshu KhandelwalMay 9, 2015One comment1 minute read
News Space Russia may soon establish 3 GLONASS ground stations in India According to a report in the Russia-India Report, Russia and India are… Deepanshu KhandelwalMay 30, 2014No comments1 minute read