Millennials and Gen Z seem a lot less preoccupied with getting a job with a resounding name (like a lawyer, accountant, financial advisor, and more) than their predecessors were. Nowadays, if you have a bit of talent and understand how social media works, you can make a living as an influencer.

If not, you can take a few online classes and start working as a web designer or become a freelance software developer. Moreover, high school graduates have doubts when it comes to the path they should take – go to college or start working in tech? For some, it makes a lot more sense to skip college and take a few classes while working for a tech company that can provide them with both experience and a reliable income.

But what is there to do if you took the college path and now you are graduating from a prestigious law school?

As it turns out, the world of technology also needs assistance from young graduates with an advanced law degree. So, if you’re currently wondering which way to go, here are a few options you can try in the field of law.

Technology Law

The fast-evolving field of technology needs to be regulated and control via laws designed to fit the modern view of the world. However, regulators and lawmakers everywhere struggle to catch up, which leaves room for interpretation and miscommunication between parties.

Therefore, the giants of the tech world will always look for lawyers to protect their interests and make sure they can keep evolving. On the other hand, law expertise is also required in cybersecurity cases or invasion of privacy (via technology) situations.

The scenarios mentioned above are only some of the most notorious situations where the expertise of a lawyer with knowledge in technology is necessary (there are many other similar cases, of course). However, in order to get in the position of working for a tech company, law graduates will have to first pass the Bar exam. And, since this is quite a difficult exam, it’s best to make use of technology and find the best Bar exam courses for your needs.

The meeting between finances and technology created fintech, one of the fastest-growing industries of the last years. Due to FinTech, users can now pay online (safely), earn money via online platforms, perform various changes on their bank accounts from their homes, and much more. But, one of the biggest realizations of the FinTech world is that it led to the creation of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain.

Therefore, if you want to become a lawyer in a FinTech company, you will need solid financial and technological knowledge. Still, because it’s a constantly evolving world, you can learn on the job as well (and you will).

Patent Attorney

None of the amazing inventions users play with today would have been possible without patents! If inventors could not protect their intellectual property and profit from their ideas, there wouldn’t be any incentive to move forward and innovate.

Therefore, in today’s day and age, patents and the laws that protect them are more important than ever. Still, the application process can be a bit confusing and time-consuming for someone who is focused on bringing the next high-tech gadget into the world. Here is where a patent attorney usually steps in (hired by the applicant) and takes over the entire application process. Their job is to make sure all the documents and designs are filed correctly and there won’t be any problems during the verification phase.

Additionally, a patent attorney can also get involved with trademarks and any litigation needs that may arise from copyright issues.

In Summary

Even in a world dominated by technology, there are still plenty of things you can do with a law degree. In fact, with more tech startups reaching unicorn status, there’s more work for talented and driven people with a law degree than ever.

So, don’t let anyone discourage you from applying to your favorite law school, and make sure to give it your all. However, if you’re not set on a specialty, it’s a good idea to choose something focused on technology. You will have more job opportunities if you do so.