Google, Google Cloud

Google has launched a brand new service today. Called Google Cloud iOT. this service will allow companies to manage their  iOT devices  and also process the data generated by them. The service could prove to have some serious benefits for various enterprises with regards to data collection from their own systems.

This also sets Google’s services up squarely against the likes of Microsoft and AWS. Although Google says that the move wa not taken in response to competition as much as in response to the constant demands from its own customers.

Collecting data is a huge task, processing it even more so. It is not as much as the task is difficult but the sheer magnitude when you stop t consider the fact that any device be it a car, a truck, medical equipment or a whole host of others –can be made capable of generating data. This data can then be used to improve your services. What Google is attempting to do here, is to provide a middle interface that lets companies let go of a portion of hard work required in collecting and processing data to Google.

Google is also projecting itself and its ecosystem that is more open as compared to its competitors like Microsoft and Amazon. The solution in itself will consist of a device manager that will handle every device you will collect data from. You can do it manually, or even automate the process when it comes to extremely large number of devices.

The second part of the equation will be a protocol bridge that will serve to facilitate communications between the machines and the Google Cloud Services. Everything is secure from scratch as it uses   for secure connection over MQTT, an industry-standard IoT protocol. Once the data is safely in through the use of this protocol, you can use it for processing, visualization, or eventual use in application.

There is a pretty huge market here — and one which will only expand in the near future — and by moving ahead now Google could well be on its way to capitalize upon a great opportunity.

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