microsoft, windows defender, windows 10, anniversary update

Microsoft’s Windows 10 creator update is right around the corner and the level of anticipation is pretty high. The company has already said that it will be bringing a whole lot of improvements to the table with the new platform and today, it took the opportunity to discuss things like the enhanced privacy and security that will form a part of the latest update.

Speaking on the topic,  Terry Myerson, EVP of the Windows and Devices Group said:

As part of our commitment to transparency and your privacy, today we’re bringing those enhancements front and center, and sharing three new things that will help you be more informed about your privacy with Windows 10.

The post then went to elaborate about the changes that were being introduced through the new Windows 10 creators update. For one, the company is improving the in-product information about your privacy. The company will be offering short descriptions that will be associated with each privacy setting. There will also a “Learn More” button, that will aim to make the information about your privacy choices easy to access and understand.

The company also said that it was updating the Microsoft privacy statement. The new statement will also include more information about the privacy enhancements in the Creators Update as well. Microsoft will also be offering its users more details regarding the data it collects so as to support the new features it offers by way of the creators update.

The information will be made available in a layered manner. Microsoft says that this should allow users to progressively explore more information about privacy choices with Windows 10. The company also committed to providing users with detailed information regarding where exactly their data was being put to use. The company has also labored to ensure that it was collecting the bare minimum data required to keep its services up and running properly.

Aside from sharing new information to inform your choices, our teams have also worked diligently since the Anniversary Update to re-assess what data is strictly necessary at the Basic level to keep Windows 10 devices up to date and secure. We looked closely at how we use this diagnostic data and strengthened our commitment to minimize data collection at the Basic level. As a result, we have reduced the number of events collected and reduced, by about half, the volume of data we collect at the Basic level.

It has also added a new screen that will appear when the user runs a fresh install of Windows 10. This particular screen will allow the user to consider Microsoft’s recommended settings, learn more about its reason for setting them and finally, make changes to the privacy arrangements if they so want to.

Windows 10

Microsoft also said that it will continue collecting data and taking user feedback so as to ensure that its services conform to acceptable norms. You can learn more about the topic by visiting this link.

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