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Original Image from The Tech Portal

It has been long since Google Play Store started testing any new features. There have only been slow but wider roll outs of previously spotted test features. But, it is now debuting another long-requested and much-needed feature in the form of a refresh button for the My Apps section.

This development was first reported by Android Police, and comes as a boon for users who like to keep their apps up to date. Earlier, there was no option for users to check whether they have received new app updates. So, they had to rely on alternative methods like closing the Play Store and restarting the app or navigating back to the home screen and back to My Apps. This would refresh the said interface and we could check for new app updates.

But, Google has now recognized the wide gaping hole in this functionality. Thus, it has now started testing a ‘refresh’ button in the app updates category in the My Apps section of the Play Store. And you might have already guessed it, tapping the refresh button at the top sends a request to check for app updates. The button doesn’t always appear in the updates section, but requires you to have no updates available to make it appear.

In addition, this refresh test feature brings along certain UI refreshes for the Play Store as well. The My Apps & games section has now shed the grey background and individual app card approach for a more cohesive card-based approach. Now, there’s an individual card for the refresh button at the top and a common card for apps — separated by mere lines. Plus, you will also notice the addition of open and install button on app cards, making it easy to perform these functions.

This means Google is steadily taking all user feedback into consideration to roll out new test features, before making the same widely available to its massive user base. Prior to this, Google Play Store has already received a huge furnishing in the form of a color refresh, new rounded but boxy app gallery on the home screen, new payment methods for Indian users and a number of toggles for different functions.

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