This article was last updated 9 years ago

Note 7, Samsung

Samsung Electronics, the Korean multinational is currently in the state of utter turmoil due its flagship phablet Note 7’s exploding debacle. Realizing its grave mistake to hurry the defected products to the market, the company is now urging users to participate in the Replacement programme. But, if you want to stick to your guns and take a chance with your faulty Note 7, then also Samsung has a ‘quick’ but big update for you.

Samsung has today announced that it will releasing a software patch, to prevent overheating for South Korean users on the 20th of September. This fix will update your firmware and not allow your Galaxy Note 7 to charge beyond the upper cap of 60 per cent. The company made the update announcement via a full-page advertisement in a South Korean newspaper ‘Seoul Shinmun’, reports Associated Press.

The newspaper advertisement by Samsung read,

It is a measure to put consumer safety first but we apologize for causing inconvenience.

The update especially targets those users who’re unwilling to participate in the heart-breaking $1 billion smartphone recall from around the globe. Samsung is trying to recall and replace the defected battery of about 2.5 million Note 7 smartphones which have been sold since its launch last month. It has currently also halted shipping orders to all carriers and outlets, but plans to resume the same with updated batteries during the week of September 19th.

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There have already been 70 reported cases of explosions(or overheating) and the company plans to curb the same while also reducing liability to human life i.e its customers. There is currently no info, whether Samsung will roll out a similar ‘charging limitation’ update to international users, but it would be a safe bet to do so. Yonhap News Agency speculates that the company is currently in talks with other international carriers to launch a similar update worldwide. However, this is just mere speculation.

The hasty Galaxy Note 7 launch has been a humongous disaster for Samsung who was looking to one up Apple and improve sales this quarter. But all of its plans have gone in vain due to a known battery manufacturing defect that has now costed it more than $26 billion in market valuation. Various government agencies have also requested users to stop using and charging the Note 7 on the daily. The aviation agencies(including India’s) has banned the use and check-in of the smartphone device on airplanes.

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So, if you wanna sum it up in short, then Samsung is having a VERY tough week(month) and losing grip on user trust. Stay tuned for more updates related to the new ‘exploding’ feature of the Galaxy Note 7.

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