This article was last updated 9 years ago

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT), the company that had a singular aim of building and testing hyperloops is getting into a new affair. The company announced today that it has agreed to collaborate with Deutsche Bahn to create an “Innovation Train”. And no, it’s not going to be a future hyperloop train, rather a conventional train that employs some of the tech HTT has developed.

The thing with innovation is that if you aim to achieve a particular goal, you get bonuses along the way with advancements in additional technologies because of the approach. The same stands true for Hyperloop Transportation Technologies. The journey of the company to build very low atmosphere sealed tubes to propel passenger capsules at extremely high speeds has lead to some unique technological advancements.

These include augmented reality windows and a digital ecosystem through its community.

While HTT was a Jumpstartfund venture, it now completely depends on crowdsourcing. Because of this, the firm needs to induce confidence into its audience and until now, it has failed badly. The new project should act like a proof-of-concept for its business model, monetization strategy and short-term viability.

“One of the biggest issues in public transportation is the need for public subsidies,”

said Dirk Ahlborn, HTT CEO.

“New technologies and new ideas, can create a better passenger experience while solving these issues through new monetization strategies and business models, with the Hyperloop and all other forms of transportation.”

HTT will be working for German rail operator Deutsche Bahn, the largest railway company in Europe. The company’s primary aim will be to implement the tech it will be using in its hyperloops in conventional trains. We will see interactive on-window panels that detect passengers and interact with them, offering up real-time info including news, current time, weather and route info. This proves that Augmented Reality will be a key component in HTT’s new project.

“We have combined our strong development capabilities for digital technology with Hyperloop Transportation Technologies in order to integrate new ideas and innovative prototypes into our local passenger train service,”

said Christoph Kraller, managing director of the SOB.

“The creation of a digital travel companion in cooperation with Hyperloop continues our steady progress forward.”

The project will be beneficial for both the players. Deutsche Bahn will get new tech installed in its trains and HTT will be able to win the eye of the public, which will promote confidence about its tech in the crowd, which is very important for the company. HTT says it will be abe to deliver its innovations by early 2017.

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