This article was last updated 8 years ago

Google has today, acquired the much talked about drone-making start-up, Titan Aerospace. Titan aerospace was reportedly pursued by Facebook too, as reported by Tech-Portal, earlier this year.

However , detailed information about this purchase has not been disclosed yet. Incidentally, the deal comes after Facebook disclosed its own purchase of a Titan Aerospace competitor in U.K.-based Ascenta for its globe-spanning Internet plans. Companies like Ascenta and Titan aerospace are in the business of high altitude drones and helps to enhance the internet services in the rural or remote areas. With this purchase of Titan Aerospace, Google would now be working on several projects, one of them being the Loon, a balloon-based remote Internet delivery project.

Google will also get benefited from the Titan drones as it their drones take high-quality images in real-time that could help with Maps initiatives. The drones could as well contribute to things like “disaster relief” and addressing “deforestation,” said a Google official.

Titan aerospace claims to have drones which could fly at an altitude, as high as 65,000 feet, thus making it possible for Google to implement its various drone-related project.

Although Google had already demonstrated its balloons project to distribute internet in remote areas, but the use of drones could provide better control and mobility.

Google has been on a acquisition spree as far as robot based companies are concerned, including the acquisition of “Boston dynamics” and 7 other companies, as reported by Tech-Portal in December, last year.

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