This article was last updated 11 years ago

note4screenshot Screenshot by Deepanshu Khandelwal / Tech-Portal

Samsung has upped the ante with four brand new video teasers of the upcoming Note 4. Samsung is leaving no stone unturned, to attract people more towards its new flagship device than the iPhone6.

These fresh video teasers, may or may not make their way into TV commercials, but you can expect to see them on other YouTube videos as roll over ads. But, interestingly, the videos are still unlisted. ( at the time of reporting )

Samsung, after having the troubled S5 run, came back with the new Galaxy Alpha. And with that very launch, Samsung did manage to gain back “some” of that lost prestige.

Now, with Note 4 (and possible a circular gear device) launch round the corner, Samsung is trying its best to ward off competition from the next-gen iPhone launch, which is scheduled almost a week after Note 4.

Meanwhile, here are the four video teasers, which Samsung recently uploaded :





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