
Despite Skype 1.13 for Linux being still in Alpha, Microsoft has today rolled out a much requested, hugely anticipate feature to Skype users on the open source OS — ability to directly send SMSes from their desktops, to any number globally (via SoftPedia).

The latest addition comes more than a month after Microsoft rolled out the ever-quintessential Video Calling feature to Skype for Linux, back in October. Such frequent series for updates should rather be an assuring sign for Linux users worldwide, as it looks like Microsoft is keen on rolling out a stable, public version of Skype for Linux, as early as possible.

Along with the ability to send SMS messages, the latest Skype update also brings an update to Electron 1.4.7, and support for remote escalation of the 1-1 call to group call. Microsoft says that this version also includes better crash reporting, as well as support for authentication token revocation.

Just so you know (of course you do, but just to remind), Skype for Linux is still in alpha. This largely means that the app is still a very rough draft of a more stable future version. That being said, also note that the SMS sending feature will have bugs and issues, and might not run smoothly, fairly because of Skype still being in Alpha.

Microsoft emphasizes that this is the moment when everyone in the Linux community can contribute to improving the app, so if you do decide to give it a shot, make sure you also submit feedback. You can give Skype for Linux a try right now and click here to get the DEB or the RPM packages right now.

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