Apps Internet YouTube starts testing new content suggestions while watching full-screen videos on the app YouTube is currently introducing minimal feature changes to further ease your video streaming experience.… February 15, 2017One comment2 minute read
Apps News Now YouTube officially allows you to double tap to jump 10 seconds forward or back Over the past years, YouTube has become a prominent source of content… February 7, 20173 comments2 minute read
Google Google IO 2016 IT & Web-tech Mobile News YouTube to release a dedicated VR app for Daydream compatible phones Google, at its I/O announced its newest take on virtual reality tech… Mir Juned HussainMay 20, 2016No comments2 minute read
Google IT & Web-tech News YouTube’s New Android App Is One That Is Meant For Creators When you search for videos on YouTube these days, chances are that… Deepanshu KhandelwalJuly 24, 2015No comments2 minute read