Electric News Tesla’s latest software upgrade will allow vehicles to respond to traffic lights and stop signs A new software update has enabled a section of Tesla’s newest vehicles… Shalabha SarathApril 28, 20202 minute read
Gadgets News Latest Tesla update adds Atari games, dash camera and more Tesla has pushed out the ninth iteration of its in-car software. The… Mudit MohilayOctober 6, 2018No comments2 minute read
Tesla’s latest software update has an easter egg hidden inside it, and it lets you go all artistic inside your car One of the best things about Tesla cars is the fact that… Mudit MohilayMarch 30, 2017No comments2 minute read
News Startups Tesla hopes to make its India debut ‘this summer,’ says Elon Musk This is a callout for all you Indian automobile enthusiasts, it’s time… February 8, 20172 comments3 minute read