Culture & Policy Futurism News Baidu joins ‘Partnership on AI’, becomes the first Chinese tech firm to do so ‘Partnership on AI’, a collaboration between the world’s biggest tech stalwarts to… Deepanshu KhandelwalOctober 17, 2018No comments2 minute read
Culture & Policy Futurism News The Partnership on AI has Intel, SalesForce, Ebay and others as its newest members A slew of industry heavyweights have decided to augment the ranks of… Mudit MohilayMay 17, 2017No comments2 minute read
Futurism Internet News Google, Facebook, Microsoft, IBM and Amazon are teaming up for a landmark, ‘Partnership on AI’ What happens when all of world’s biggest tech companies, who command a… Deepanshu KhandelwalSeptember 29, 2016One comment2 minute read