Apps Internet News WhatsApp’s new ‘Keep in Chat’ feature will let users save disappearing messages WhatsApp introduced disappearing messages back in 2020, and over time, enabled users… Soumyadeep SarkarApril 22, 20232 minute read
Business Cloud Computing Code News AWS acquires encrypted messaging service Wickr for an undisclosed sum Amazon Web Services (AWS) has acquired encrypted messaging service Wickr for an… Soumyadeep SarkarJune 26, 20212 minute read
News Startups Layer bags $15 million funding, confirms acquisition of Cola’s messaging platform Layer has moved a step ahead in developing its messaging platform which… Aditya SrivastavaFebruary 25, 2017No comments3 minute read
Apps News Telegram Messenger lets you ‘unsend’ messages shared within the last 48 hours There have been numerous instances where we accidentally (or maybe deliberately) texted… Kajal JoshiJanuary 4, 2017No comments2 minute read
Apps News WhatsApp likely to introduce an option to edit and revoke messages, currently hidden in iOS beta Being one of the widely popular messaging apps with a strong billion… December 17, 2016No comments2 minute read
Mobile News BlackBerry Is Acquiring Private Messaging Firm AtHoc To Breathe Life Into BBM In an attempt to bring more focus to its secured mobile infrastructure… Mir Juned HussainJuly 22, 2015No comments2 minute read