Business Culture & Policy Internet News Accounts impersonating others without specifying them as parody will be permanently booted off Twitter, declares Musk Elon Musk is all for memes and free speech – the former… Soumyadeep SarkarNovember 8, 20223 minute read
Business Culture & Policy News Mass layoffs lands Twitter in lawsuit, being sued for alleged violation of federal and California laws For months, Twitter was embroiled in a lawsuit with Elon Musk to… Soumyadeep SarkarNovember 5, 20222 minute read
Business Culture & Policy News Elon Musk dissolves Twitter’s board of directors, appoints himself CEO, set to fire 25% workforce Less than a week after the ownership of Twitter finally went into… Soumyadeep SarkarNovember 1, 20223 minute read