News [BUDGET 2017] Govt focuses on reduced taxation for MSMEs and startups, revive foreign investments As one would’ve expected from this Union Budget announcement, the government focused… February 1, 2017No comments3 minute read
Internet News The ambitious Bharat Net project for cross-country, rural optical fibre broadband will now get ₹10K crore from Government The very ambitious ‘BharatNet’ project, announced earlier by the Indian Goverment is… Deepanshu KhandelwalFebruary 1, 2017No comments1 minute read
News [BUDGET 2017] Government announces the launch of ‘Aadhar Pay’, new BHIM app schemes to be launched Continuing with an already aggressive push towards making India a digitised, cashless… Deepanshu KhandelwalFebruary 1, 2017One comment3 minute read
Culture & Policy News What the new-age India Inc expects from Budget 2017 This is going to be an interesting budget. While previous year’s budget… Staff@The Tech PortalJanuary 31, 2017One comment3 minute read