Whether you’re a new user or a seasoned MacBook owner, there comes a point when you need to improve the visualization quality of certain objects on your screen. This could be something as easy and direct as changing your Mac’s screen resolution or something more advanced like changing the size of on-screen objects such as icons or the pointer. Mac comes with a variety of settings that allow you to enhance your user experience according to your taste and special needs.

Not only can you resize particular objects on your screen, but you can also change the size of, let’s say, text in an individual application. With this setting, it is possible to change the viewing options depending on your application, making Mac one of the most convenient systems to work on. If you still have no idea how all these things work, don’t worry; we are here to help you. In this article, we will introduce some tips on how to use a MacBook more efficiently in terms of display options. Let’s dive into it!

Resize the Images

Whether you received a large and heavy image file that you need to send via email or simply need to make an image fit a certain space for your presentation, it is essential to learn how to resize an image. You may also have many images in your photo library that you want to compress. If you need to resize an image on Mac, head to Finder > Applications and search for the Preview. It is a simple multimedia application that does not require advanced skills. It is designed to view and edit images to your liking.  Preview is likely to be your standard image viewer, so what you can do is to:

  • Open an image file you want to edit
  • Click on the Markup icon that’s located in the top menu
  • Click the Adjust Size icon and edit the image according to your preference.

You should remember that Preview overwrites files when saving them, so if you want to have both the original image and the edited version, you should export the image as a separate file with a different name.

Zoom In and Out Options

The Zoom option distinguishes Mac from many other devices. It gives Mac users a unique advantage to enlarge a specific window, for example, if you need to view something interesting more carefully. Moreover, you can zoom out the whole Mac screen for a more detailed visualization of what is happening on the display. There are several options available to you:

  1. Zoom in and out using keyboard shortcuts Command + and Command -.
  2. You can easily zoom in and out using just your fingers for a trackpad. Perform a pinching motion if you want to zoom out a certain window or application. Opt for a spreading motion with your fingers if you want to zoom in.
  3. Use Magic Mouse: slightly tap on top of the mouse to zoom in.
  4. You need to access your display’s zooming options to zoom in on your entire screen. To do this, head to System Preferences, then Accessibility. In the new window, you can explore the Zoom option that appears in the menu on the left side of the window.

Change the Display’s Resolution

High-resolution screens offer many options when it comes to viewing objects on your built-in display. You might want to change the resolution for different reasons, be it a better overall performance or the need to work with graphic design and image editing tools that might require a different display resolution. Here’s how to access your display settings:

  • In the upper-left corner of the screen, click the Apple logo.
  • Choose System Settings in the drop-down menu, then click on Displays.
  • On the right, you will see thumbnails presenting different resolutions for your built-in display. Choose the text size and resolution that best suits you.

Now, all you need to do is confirm the change, and then you can proceed with your work.

Change the Size of the Pointer

Many of us have lost track of the pointer at least once or twice while using a Mac. While this may not be a huge problem for many users, it’s good to know that you can actually modify the size of the pointer to suit your needs. You can also change the pointer’s fill and outline colors or reset all the colors to their default settings. Here’s how you can do it:

  • In the upper-left corner of the screen, click the Apple logo
  • Choose System Settings in the drop-down menu, then click on Accessibility
  • Head to the Pointer settings and change any of the options you like

Not many users know about this trick, but they will undoubtedly need it sooner or later.


Modifying object sizes on Mac is easy once you get acquainted with a few settings that allow you to enhance your user experience and improve the visualization of different items. You can use zoom in and zoom out while working with the whole screen or with certain apps and windows. To do this, you can either use handy shortcuts, trackpad motions, or the Magic Mouse. You can also edit image size using Mac’s pre-installed app Preview. Due to its simplicity, you can easily work with the interface and edit the images according to your preference. Changing the display resolution setting is among the simplest ways to modify the size of the objects seen on your Mac.