China completes construction of the world’s largest single-aperture telescope – FAST

China has finally completed the king of single-aperture telescopes in the form…

ISRO sets record, successfully launches Cartosat-2 and 19 satellites on a single rocket

ISRO has been busy for quite some time now. Busy setting up…

ISRO successfully demonstrates its indigenously developed Reusable Launch Vehicle tech

Continuing with its impressive demonstration of how low-cost, robust space technology could…

The Tech Portal Launches Mars Edition, Matt Damon Appointed As Chief Editor, SpaceX To Provide Speedy Shuttle Service

And here comes that good great news folks! After tirelessly working for…

ISRO’s Workhorse PSLV Successfully Puts The Penultimate IRNSS Satellite, IRNSS 1F, Into Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit

ISRO has successfully put IRNSS 1F, the sixth satellite in India’s Regional…

BBC To Create History By Broadcasting The Calcutta Cup Rugby Clash To The ISS In Outer Space

For the first time ever, BBC is set to broadcast a live…

ISRO To Launch The Fifth IRNSS Satellite On January 20

ISRO has announced that it will be putting seven satellites of Indian Regional…

ISRO Releases A Snap Of Solar System’s Largest Known Volcano, The Olympus Mons From Mars

Continuing the interesting photo ops which ISRO’s Mars Orbiter Mission (more joyfully…

ISRO Successfully Launches GSAT-6 Using The Heavier, Cryogenic Engine-Powered GSLV Rocket

In yet another milestone for ISRO and its heavier, indigenously developed GSLV…

After UK, ISRO Lends A Helping Hand To The US For Satellite Launch

Yep, its exactly the way that headline reads. There was a time…