As soon as the pandemic hit the world, all the employees were sent home taking precautionary measures. People were confined to their homes which resulted in drastic changes in business management and operations.
Though at first, it was quite challenging to deal with, thanks to our advanced technologies that business is now dealt with very effectively while sitting at home. Since home became the new workspace, business physical meetings turned into virtual meetings, seminars turned into webinars and complex documentations became much easier to present.
Thus, Powerpoint presentation plays a vital role in successful business management. And to create presentations easily and less time consuming, Powerpoint Templates are in the game. Try utilizing Microsoft PowerPoint themes to produce better. Let’s see how presentations templates can benefit you:
- They help you create presentations without putting in extra effort, just pick the template that fits your needs and customize it accordingly.
- While conducting a webinar or remote meetings, you can easily display your work through Powerpoint presentations by sharing your screen.
- Powerpoint template makes easy access to complex documentations compiling all the necessary information on a single page.
Updates to PowerPoint Presentation Templates :
Microsoft Office timely expands PowerPoint’s capabilities, allowing you to create slides quicker, more effectively, and, perhaps most importantly, captivate your crowd. The easiest way to gain your audience’s interest is to utilize background PPT in your PowerPoint presentation. Because you won’t be able to persuade your audience unless they don’t focus on what you are presenting to them. Thus, you need to make your presentation interesting and visually attractive along with your content.
Besides, there are some of the useful tools that PowerPoint Presentation Templates have in the market and can be utilized by almost all types of presentations. Let’s take a look at them:
Mayor Updates:
1) Pickit:
You can quickly add stunning graphics to your slides through this user-friendly feature, Pickit. As nowadays graphics play an integral part in every document. Thus, it would do wonders to create an attractive Powerpoint presentation, as this add-in allows you to inject royalty-free photographs directly into your PowerPoint slides.
2) Selection Manager:
This add-in helps you resolve overlapping form selection problems. It provides you with various forms, each form with a unique name. When you pick the name from a list in the Selection Manager dialog box, the add-in will help to “unbury” the obscured forms.
3) Pro Word Cloud:
To have an impact on the viewer’s mind you need to take help from effective visual devices. Thus, Pro Word Cloud can help you create beautiful word cloud images from your text.
For example, you can gather ideas from your audience and then use a word cloud to visualize the most common responses. Alternatively, simply recap the speech on the computer with the most appropriate terms.
4) Office Timeline:
When it comes to presenting ideas to decision-makers you can’t deny the value of PowerPoint presentation. as schedules and Gantt maps are crucial for any project office or classroom wishing to display a timetable or an experience. Thus, here Microsoft introduces an add-in in PowerPoint templates which includes a wizard that takes raw input and transmits it into a stunning timeline or Gantt map in less than two minutes.
Aiding you to create professional timelines and Gantt charts quickly and in less time for your PowerPoint presentation.
5) Lucidchart Diagrams for PowerPoint Presentation:
Lucidchart can be extremely useful if you often use advanced diagrams in your presentations. Both kinds of immersive diagrams are covered by the models and a large library of dynamic shapes. The PowerPoint Presentation mode will then break down each move for your audience one by one.
For an infinite number of people, Lucidchart also allows real-time communication through version control. Moreover, Lucidchart also handles flowcharts, wireframes, mockups, and mindmaps very beautifully.
Best Practices for Impactful Presentations:
To make your presentation more impactful try utilizing these templates:
- The One-Page Strategy PowerPoint Template serves as a valuable method for presenting an action plan. It condenses a comprehensive strategic plan into single, easy-to-understand documentation. You can utilize it when you are to present complex documentation to your audience, to make it interesting and easier to grasp.
- Editable templates for team collaboration are available in the Trello Board PowerPoint Template. Users will be able to explore different tasks and their success in a manner that is familiar to the viewer during this presentation.Trello is a project management and teamwork platform known for its user-friendly guide. Within a single workspace, it displays mission status and priority (board). It may be used to coordinate the schedules of teams working on various tasks.It would make it possible to negotiate deadlines in remote meetings and team coordination.