Despite the solid return of the World of Warcraft project from the Blizzard developer company, many newcomers continue to arrive at the project who want to try the game world and become the best players on their servers.
Beginners can order the wow carry service, but this will not help them get the gold earning skill, which is much more important than experience – it is better to be a low level, but with a supply of gold, than a poor high LVL character when it will be very difficult to get equipment.
A weak, high-level character will spend a lot of strength to compensate for the lack of equipment.
How to learn how to earn gold in World of Warcraft:
- Learn the quest system
- Upgrade professions.
- Go to dungeons and raids.
- Hunt monsters in groups.
Learn the quest system
In World of Warcraft, the main leveling consists of a large number of main and secondary quest tasks that the player needs to complete in order to quickly and efficiently level up his character.
Quality in WoW means getting not only levels, but also a supply of gold and equipment that will allow the character to approach the maximum level as a trained fighter, who will be gladly accepted into many raids. And gold will play a primary role, since you can buy all the missing equipment and supplies.
Upgrade professions
Professions do not play a significant role in leveling a character in World of Warcraft, but they play a significant role in the player’s financial well-being.
Leveling professions is available from the first minutes of the game – you just need to pay attention to the game world, and not blindly run from monster to monster completing quests.
Professions are divided into two types – collective, which are available during the execution of tasks and creating, which are pumped in large cities and corresponding locations. Keep in mind that a character cannot take more than 2 professions to learn and there are 3 additional professions available to everyone.
Skinning – you will need a carving knife, which can be purchased from the NPC in the city. Skin slaughtered animals for use in leatherworking, or for sale. Characters creating light armor in World of Warcraft need a lot of skins and skins.
Gathering herbs – available immediately and easily noticeable in the gaming locations of World of Warcraft. Gather herbs and flowers for later use in alchemy and first aid, or for sale on the marketplace.
Mining – you will need a pickaxe, which can be purchased from the NPC. Mine rocks to get ore for blacksmithing and gems for jewelry
Blacksmithing – use or to smelt into ingots and create heavy armor and weapons, as well as all possible steel products. Blacksmiths create armor for themselves and for later sale. Blacksmiths are always in demand, especially in all new updates, when game developers Blizzard add new equipment and weapons for characters and there is a demand for craftsmen who can create them.
Leatherworking – use hides to tan leather and create light equipment items for yourself or to sell. Leatherworkers are especially in demand among Trickster characters, who constantly need to upgrade their equipment.
Tailoring – the character uses materials obtained from monsters to create rag armor for magical characters. Tailoring is the most independent profession, since it does not require a separate profession to accumulate consumables and is very in demand among attacking magicians and healers, who suffer greatly in battle with contact characters in WoW and good armor is the only salvation for them.
Jewelcrafting – Jewelers are the most sought-after and most difficult profession of all, since all classes, without exception, need jewelry with character amplifiers. Consumables and inscriptions for creating jewelry are quite difficult to get, but it pays off doubly when leveling a jeweler. The jeweler also creates magic orbs – special weapons for magic classes.
Alchemy is a profession closely related to plants and herbs. The alchemist uses them to create various potions and potions. Potions are attacking – which cause damage to the enemy and defensive, which increase skills and characteristics, restore health and mental strength.
Go to dungeons and raids.
Raids and dungeons have always been a source of gold mining in World of Warcraft – not in its pure form, but in the form of item drops. Each equipment and weapon has its own price, and if you regularly attend dungeons and raids, the player will receive not only useful equipment for his class, but also unnecessary equipment. Unused, you can sell and earn gold, or trade equipment with other characters and still have your benefits.
Hunt monsters in groups.
Always try to find yourself a group to hunt monsters. The reason for this is purely mathematical. Alone, you will not physically kill as many monsters in a minute as in a group with other characters, and if you take into account the fact that gold is divided among all participants in a group, then the income will still be greater and faster in total.