The widely used code management system and version control platform GitHub has been exposed to many cyberattacks. While this AI-powered software development tool offers advanced solutions and accelerated innovation, its flexibility and easy accessibility make it more valuable for security breaches.

While GitHub’s engineers constantly work on identifying and removing maliciously copied repositories, data protection is still the user’s responsibility. With the following tips, you can create additional layers of security for your source code and avoid problems caused by attackers.

What Are the Risks of Git Repo Breaches for Businesses?

In 2024, some estimations claim more than a million cyberattacks were conducted against GitHub. The mechanism of malicious malware intrusions of this type is simple: since the repositories that store code and files can be publicly accessed, cybercrooks copy part of the code, trojan it, and re-upload it. Then, developers, instead of downloading the correct code, get the malicious one.

Another massive attack occurred in August 2022 when Stephen Lacy, a software engineer, discovered that 35.000 GitHub repositories were cloned. Huge projects like Python, Crypto, K8s, Golang, and others were affected, revealing hackers’ intention to target more users. However, GitHub responded to the message promptly by quarantining the clones.

The risks of getting hacked are even multiplied with perpetrators applying automation for the attacks, which allows them to upload cloned malicious repos in millions. So, on top of GitHub’s tangible effort to ensure service security, organizations have to care for themselves to protect their projects.

What Can Happen if My GitHub Account Is Compromised?

Cyberattackers bypass advanced security levels in different ways and get businesses into trouble even if they use security scanning tools like Gitleaks or GitHub’s code review possibility. These are some examples of how you can be attacked:

  • By deleting the code. Recently, cybercriminals have been stealing and deleting the code, leaving your repository empty. Then, attackers contact the victims, setting the conditions for the return code.
  • By spoofing. When fake bank workers call and persuade people to reveal sensitive information, the same applies to the digital realm. Spoofing refers to pretending to be someone users trust and who can provide sensitive data like passwords or other credentials.
  • By stealing the source code. Some attacks happen over time. Cybercrooks can steal code and sensitive data individually, while organizations have no clue about that. Hackers can send spam and phishing to users from a compromised account.

No matter what type of attack occurs, it poses a huge threat to the application code and the company’s data. So, it is crucial to build a secure environment when working with the GitHub collaborative tool.

How to Strengthen GitHub Security

GitHub is constantly working on improving its security, but there are multiple actions you can take to add that additional layer that will guarantee your invulnerability to threats.

Control Access to Your Code

It is vital to grant trusted users access to your GitHub repository only. Follow the rule of least privilege and customize access settings on your accounts. Enable role-based access, guaranteeing the code is available to those who interact directly with it. Grant access only via strong passwords or personal access tokens.

Set Strong and Unique Credentials

The well-known scheme cyber attackers use works well even in this technologically advanced age. When the users’ credentials are revealed, they are posted online, and perpetrators use them to check on other sites. The attackers get their lucky chance if the user’s credentials are the same for different platforms. So, for a GitHub account, create unique and robust credentials.

Conduct Code Scanning Regularly

GitHub offers default code scanning; you should apply for your code regularly. Various code-scanning third-party tools enable tailor-made security scanning for your platform.

Store a Local Copy of Your Repository

Always have a local copy of your code in case your account gets compromised, or your data gets stolen. With the local copy, you can just insert the code into GitHub’s repository without needing to be manipulated by cybercriminals.

Keep Your Secrets “In Secret”

Secrets or sensitive information like passwords, access tokens, store keys, and credentials should not be stored in GitHub repositories. To detect if this secret data doesn’t appear accidentally, conduct regular audits that analyze information for the existence of usernames, keys, and passwords. To prevent storing private data, create rigorous policies for your team.

Check GitHub’s Applications in Marketplace

GitHub’s marketplace offers extensive, helpful tools, but they are third parties. This means you must check for any vulnerabilities a new instrument can have before using it, as you will share access to your source code with them.

How to Collaborate with Team Members Securely

Setting rigorous security standards for internal collaboration will improve your security level. You can implement these methods when working with team members.

  1. Two-factor authentication. This method controls user sign-in via two steps of authentication. Users can write passwords and receive a one-time SMS token, mobile passcode, biometrics, or other mechanism.
  2. Repository administrators. Dedicated agents monitor access to the repository and grant it only to the trusted parties.
  3. Principle of least privilege. It dictates the approach to revealing data to users: they should gain access only to the data they need to perform the task.
  4. Signed commits. Once any change is made, users indicate they are in charge. It helps to avoid suspicions about the changes made.
  5. SSH key. When working remotely, secure networks are not always possible. Secure shell keys help collaborate on different devices at a distance.


GitHub is a flexible and powerful tool for developers to collaborate and manage code. However, its vulnerabilities are due to its features. Even though GitHub sets high-security standards, protecting your organization is your responsibility.

To improve GitHub security, use these recommendations: control your code access, use unique and solid credentials for your GitHub account, check your code regularly, store a code local copy just in case, keep your sensitive information away from the code, and set rigorous security internal policies.