The last few years have made e-commerce bigger than ever. This is a world that is changing bigger than most and where companies constantly have to adapt. In 2022 there are a bunch of new e-commerce trends to look out for. Read more about three of them here.
The role of e-commerce keeps changing and growing. The last couple of years has boosted e-commerce to reach new levels. This has created both challenges and new opportunities for online merchants. It has also created new e-commerce trends and significant changes in consumer behavior.
If you’re one of the merchants that are starting out in these years, there are many new things to consider in this ever-changing climate. You can find all kinds of tips on how to grow your ecommerce business at Here you’ll find guides on everything from building your online store to marketing your products. In this article, you can get some insight into three of the biggest e-commerce trends at the moment.
1. Mobile commerce
It’s no surprise that mobile commerce is more important than ever. We use more and more time on our phones, and we use them for all kinds of jobs including online shopping. It can be a central issue for any online site if it is not optimized for mobile use. If you have an online store, it is really important to focus on improving your site so you don’t end up with customers abandoning purchases because of a poorly functioning site. And if you optimize your site, you can already be way ahead of your competitors.
2. Sustainable e-commerce
Sustainable commerce is nothing new. But it is a trend that keeps on growing and that is becoming essential in many industries. Consumers are becoming more and more engaged in the green agenda and sustainability has become a top priority for a lot of consumers. There is no doubt that sustainable consumption is one of the biggest trends of our time. One that has forced many businesses to change the way they operate and the way they portray themselves in regards to sustainability.
Sustainable e-commerce is all about reducing the carbon footprint with sustainable packaging, sustainable production, and climate-neutral delivery. These days you have to consider things like where you store your goods, so you can reduce shipping distances. Besides being good for the environment, it’s super important to be able to use a green profile in your marketing.
3. Social commerce
Another megatrend of 2022 is social e-commerce. It’s nothing new but at the moment it’s growing rapidly. In many ways, social commerce is an extension of other e-commerce activities but on social media platforms. Statistics clearly show that more and more retail is happening on social media and will without a doubt continue to do so even more in the future. As young people get older and increase their purchasing power, social media will continue to expand and become a vital point for any e-commerce.