This article was last updated 9 years ago

Do you have trouble finding that exact passage in an e-book, where the vampire turns bad or the girl finally gets the boy? Well Kindle users will soon be able to experience a re-imagined navigation experience called ‘Page Flip’, that will make scrolling back and forth between pages much simpler.

Using the ‘Page Flip’ feature, users can save their current place and then flip between pages to reference different parts of the book. Amazon has taken a cue from how people read print books and improved upon that experience for Kindle readers. Chuck Moore, VP, Kindle adds that,

Page Flip makes it easier than ever to refer back to pictures in a political memoir, flip back and forth between a map and your current page in an epic fantasy series, or find passages you’ve highlighted in an investing guide.

Starting today, Amazon will be delivering this update as a part of a free over-the-air(OTA) update to all Kindle readers. The updated features will also be reflected in the Kindle app for iOS and Android.


Some of the most prominent features that will make the reading experience more breezy and fresh include:

  • Save your place: Page Flip automatically saves the current page you’re reading and pins it to side of the screen. Now you can easily flip back and forth between pages. And you can just tap the pinned page, once you’re ready to get back to your reading.
  • Explore your book: Due to pixel-accurate thumbnails, you can now easily recognize specific pages as you jump around. Saved pictures, highlights, notes, etc. automatically adjust as you change your font and margin settings.
  • Bird’s eye view of the book: You now have the option to zoom out and get a bird’s eye view of the book. You can just scroll up and down to find the exact page you’re looking for.

In addition to these, the company has also introduced a couple other nifty features to enhance your e-book reading experience. These include enhanced type-setting with better fonts and text justification, an option to recommend or share the book(only a preview) with your friend and embedded instant previews.

This may only just be a small reading experience update, but Amazon is focused on inventing new techniques to benefit its readers. Plus, for someone like me who lives on e-book instead of hard-binded copies will find the reading more interactive and seamless. And maybe, it will make a boring not-so-good book a little fun to read!

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