This article was last updated 10 years ago

Reverie Technologies, which has developed a cloud-based language as a service platform, has raised $4 million in Series A funding round, led by Aspada Investment Company, with participation from existing investor Qualcomm Ventures.

With fresh cash injection, the company will be focused on growing it’s language-as-a-service platform, and consolidating market share. It will also be creating fully automated solutions and will expanding globally.

Aiming to collaborate with over 10,000 within the next 12 to 18 months, it will engage aggressively with developers to produce native language content.

Founded in 2010 by Sachindra K Mohanty, Vivekananda Pani and Arvind Pani in Bangalore, Reverie is a local language computing and language experience company. Its flagship product, the Reverie Language Gateway helps businesses go multilingual. It is a massive-scale, cloud-based, language-as-a-service platform with tools, technologies, and entire ecosystems to help build local language equivalents of English language businesses and initiatives.

The language localization is real-time and operates across multiple delivery channels such as apps and portals. It is also business-domain savvy, has cross-language search, and has multilingual interaction and display giving a complete experience for all local languages.

There is no need to rewrite any piece of software while using this platform, and completely localized content gets delivered in real-time. Reverie claims, that the experience of consuming content and transacting in over 50 global languages including Latin and Cyrillic-based, Perso-Arabic, South Asian, and South-East Asian, is at par with that of using these apps in English.

Through array of language technologies delivered over its Language Platform, Reverie believes that it bridges digital divide and brings ‘language equality’ in language experience across languages by making the vital elements of display, interaction, search, and discovery equally rich in local languages.

Arvind Pani, co-founder and CEO of the company, said,

India is at an inflection point where businesses are realizing the importance of local languages. We want to be established as the de facto standard of everything that’s said and done in Indian languages on the web.

Sahil Kini, Vice President of Aspada, said,

For over 200 million people in India, they are now excluded from the digital economy because language is a massive barrier. Reverie has built tech to eliminate this barrier with very little effort from the developers’ side, essentially defining a whole new computing. It has the potential to become foundational technology for the Indian and non-English Internet.


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