This article was last updated 10 years ago

The Central Government has heeded to citizen demands on lifting the controversial ban on Pornographic content. In an interview with India Today TV, I&B Minister Ravi Shanker Prasad has confirmed of a new notification, which will lift ban from websites not serving child pornography.

Ravi Shankar Prasad said,

A new notification will be issued shortly. The ban will be partially withdrawn. Sites that do not promote child porn will be unbanned.

However he did not reveal the exact date as to when this fresh notification would be issued. Nevertheless, this partial lift will be yet another stamp to the authority which India’s democratic system continues to command, and how the Government will continue to find it difficult to impose such ridiculous and worthless bans in future.

The Central Government earlier received massive flak for a ban it quietly imposed on some 857 websites, which it “thought” were immoral and served content harmful for children and women. And as obscure and weird it may sound, that list also included certain light-hearted humour websites like and the massively popular viral content publisher, 9Gag.

Indians came out strongly in protest of such a ban, with celebrities and social activists taking the Government on for imposing such ludicrous bans, since they clearly violated the basic right of liberty guaranteed by Articles 19 and 21 of the Indian constitution. The Government went

For complete coverage of the ban, you can visit our previous story on the issue.


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