Electric News Tesla and Panasonic end joint solar cell production venture amid strained ties In an eventual public acknowledgement of a strained partnership, Panasonic has announced… Sajid SaleemFebruary 26, 20203 minute read
Futurism News Tesla Model 3 could possibly include solar roofs, thanks to Panasonic’s latest technology If you stay updated with Tesla co-founder and CEO Elon Musk’s musings,… March 2, 2017One comment3 minute read
Futurism News Panasonic to invest $256Mn in Tesla’s solar panel facilities in Buffalo, production to begin in 2017 Falling in line with its commitment to ramp up production post the… December 28, 2016No comments2 minute read
Tesla owes $1.7 billion to its battery partner Panasonic In a revelation of sorts, Tesla has said, that it had an… November 3, 2016No comments2 minute read