Gadgets News The super secretive AR headset by Magic Leap is right around the corner Over the past few years, Magic Leap has been quite busy. The… Mudit MohilayOctober 11, 2018No comments2 minute read
Futurism News What has Magic Leap been doing? Here are some details, courtesy Andre Iguodala Magic leap is arguably one of the most secretive companies out there.… Mudit MohilayApril 14, 2017No comments2 minute read
Culture & Policy News Former Magic Leap executive files lawsuit alleging company of sexist and hostile working conditions The multi-billion dollar super-secretive AR startup, Magic Leap, seems to be stumbling… February 14, 2017No comments3 minute read
Futurism News Here’s your first look at the leaked Magic Leap prototype The super-mysterious augmented reality startup, Magic Leap, has repeatedly been making headlines… February 11, 2017No comments2 minute read
Futurism News Reports state Magic Leap’s revolutionary AR tech not upto the mark, CEO Rony Abovitz claps back As we progress further into the realms of augmented and virtual reality or… December 10, 2016One comment3 minute read