Data/Research News Google researchers teach AI to draw sketches using pictionary doodles collected from you! Artificial Intelligence is steadily becoming the norm and we’re now trying to… April 14, 2017No comments5 minute read
Futurism News Google researchers aim to show faces behind VR headsets with new mixed reality technology Though virtual reality has become pretty ubiquitous over the last year, the… February 22, 2017No comments3 minute read
Data/Research News Google debuts RAISR, a machine learning technique to upscale low-resolution images The internet is flooded with massive amounts of low-resolution photographs or high-resolution… November 15, 2016No comments2 minute read
Futurism News Google tests neural networks that can invent their own encryption methods Artificial Intelligence and machine learning have recently been one of the core… October 28, 2016One comment2 minute read
Google News Research Google Says Its Voice Assistant ‘Google Now’ Is ‘Faster And More Accurate’ If you have been tracking progress of voice assistants offered by Apple… Deepanshu KhandelwalSeptember 25, 2015No comments2 minute read
Google News Research Google’s newly developed AI makes sure you don’t win in a game of Pinball against it Google is known to develop quirky little research projects on the side-burner of… Deepanshu KhandelwalFebruary 26, 2015No comments3 minute read
Google News Research This visualisation of the Modern Periodic Table by Google’s Big picture Group is absolutely stunning Google’s interests in science are varied. Though, it is working towards some… Deepanshu KhandelwalNovember 25, 2014No comments2 minute read