News Startups Flipkart launches ‘Flipkart Assured’ quality badge to improve delivery times, keep product quality in check In a move to better the overall consumer experience on its website, and… Jeet SutharAugust 20, 2016No comments2 minute read
News Startups eCommerce platform for regional goods raises $1.5 Million from Brand Capital, an e-commerce platform for regional goods from across India, has today announced… Jeet SutharAugust 16, 2016One comment2 minute read
News Startups Overcart scores $3 million in a Series A to provide you with refurbished pre-owned products, online Overcart, an innovative online portal which provides over-stocked, unboxed, refurbished and pre-owned products… Jeet SutharJuly 9, 2016No comments2 minute read