Amazon India bags close to $300Mn to stay competitive against Flipkart While Flipkart and its founders complain of foreign competition while they comfortably… Jeet SutharDecember 20, 2016No comments2 minute read
News Startups Overcart scores $3 million in a Series A to provide you with refurbished pre-owned products, online Overcart, an innovative online portal which provides over-stocked, unboxed, refurbished and pre-owned products… Jeet SutharJuly 9, 2016No comments2 minute read
Amazon India E-commerce News Amazon infuses additional $200 million in its India unit In order to further accelerate growth that the company has achieved lately,… Jeet SutharJune 2, 2016No comments2 minute read
Tata Group to launch its own eCommerce marketplace called Tata CLiQ Joining the list of traditional, industrialist business houses launching ecommerce platforms, Tata Group… Jeet SutharMay 18, 2016No comments2 minute read
Business E-commerce Flipkart News Startups Flipkart To Focus On Large Appliances And Set Up Specialized Logistics Network To Earn Better Revenues Flipkart, one of the largest Indian eCommerce marketplace, is now focusing on… Jeet SutharMarch 30, 2016No comments2 minute read
E-commerce News Startups With Close To $100 Million Raised In Series E, ShopClues Just Became India’s Latest Unicorn India’s startup ecosystem just got a new Unicorn, the third for the… Jeet SutharJanuary 12, 2016No comments2 minute read
News Startups Joybynature Wraps Up $1 Million Seed Round to Help You Lead A Healthy, ‘Organic’ Life Joybynature, an online store which sells natural and organic products, has raised… Jeet SutharJuly 21, 2015No comments1 minute read