If your company needs to upgrade its application performance and infrastructure monitoring, it’s helpful to understand the benefits of doing so. Too often, managers decide to make tech changes based on nothing more than a gut feeling or a notion like they haven’t done an upgrade in a while, so it’s probably time.
That reasoning won’t cut it in today’s competitive, price conscious marketplace, where organizations enact specific changes for designated, planned improvement. Business owners who opt for all in one solution like App Optics get the dual benefits of APM (application performance monitoring) and infrastructure monitoring simultaneously. For managers who are new to the monitoring game, here are the benefits of each type.
How APM Helps Businesses
What if your website’s shopping cart goes down and halts sales? Wouldn’t it be nice if you had an updated APM solution that could identify apps that were causing havoc? Your benefit? Less revenue risks. But what about preventing downtime before it happens? That’s another core benefit of an up to date APM program. When you know your IT environment’s state of health, it’s possible to predict downtime and assure business continuity and customer loyalty.
No one likes apps that are slow and sticky. Your customers will migrate to competitors’ sites in an instant. Employees become frustrated and run into roadblocks just trying to do their jobs. Even for small businesses, app performance is perhaps the central component of the IT puzzle. Why not opt for higher productivity and a workplace that encourages innovation? When you choose an APM solution geared to your company’s needs and budget, you’re making a decision to stay on top of any potential problems and deal with them as quickly as possible.
What Infrastructure Monitoring Can Do for Your Company
There’s a helpful acronym, PIPED, for remembering the key benefits any business can get from a comprehensive IM system. The first letter stands for planning for needed upgrades to the entire IT environment. In other words, when you have your IM ducks in a row, you’ll always be able to see what parts of your environment are becoming outdated. This key knowledge lets you not only plan for the upgrades you’ll need to have precise budgeting in place for them as well. The “I” signifies two kinds of improvements, those centered on performance and those that focus on productivity. Without a competent IM program in place, it’s easy for performance metrics to ebb and for productivity numbers to slide accordingly.
The second “P” stands for the way an upgrade can help prevent business losses and minimize downtime. If your goal is to enable (the letter “E” of the acronym) more precise decisions and clearer insights, IM improvements are in order. A majority of those refined insights will come from enhanced data accuracy. In a way. all the benefits feed into one another and create a symbiotic interplay that maximizes overall efficiency of your company’s entire tech universe. The “D” indicates the proactive part of the solution because it stands for detection of problems as soon as they arise. That means you not only have insight into what’s going wrong but also have the ability to prevent small issues from becoming major ones.