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Meta is looking to push even more advertisements to users, with Instagram now testing ads in feed, that users wont be able to skip.

According to media reports (and posts by outraged users on X), the social media company is currently experimenting with “ad breaks” in the main Instagram feed. The ad breaks on Instagram are short, non-skippable ads inserted into the main feed. Users encountering these ads cannot bypass them until the designated time, a few seconds, elapses. Screenshots shared on social media platforms like Reddit and X (formerly Twitter) have revealed that these ad breaks display a countdown timer, making it clear how long users must wait before resuming their scrolling. An in-app message about the feature explains, “Ad breaks are a new way of seeing ads on Instagram. Sometimes you may need to view an ad before you can keep browsing.”

Non-skippable ads are not new in the realm of digital advertising, and Instagram seems to have taken a page out of YouTube’s book, which has long utilized non-skippable ads, especially before and during videos. Still, Instagram’s format differs significantly due to its nature as a platform for quick content consumption, and users are used to rapidly scrolling through posts and videos, and the insertion of non-skippable ads could be seen as a more intrusive approach. TikTok and other short-form video platforms also use ads, but these are typically skippable.

From a business perspective, the introduction of ad breaks could represent a lucrative opportunity for Meta to increase its advertising revenue. By ensuring that users must watch ads, the platform can guarantee more views for advertisers, potentially making Instagram a more attractive option for ad spend. Still, what worked for YouTube may not work for Instagram – on YouTube, users typically engage with longer videos, making pre-roll or mid-roll ads a somewhat unavoidable and unwelcome reality. In contrast, Instagram users often scroll through numerous posts in a short period, making forced ad viewings feel jarring and disruptive to the overall flow. Instagram spokesperson Matthew Tye confirmed that ad breaks are currently being tested.

The reaction from Instagram users has been largely negative, with many expressing their frustration on social media. Reports from Reddit and X indicate that users feel the ad breaks are disruptive to their browsing experience. One Redditor described the experience of being halted by an ad break as “bonkers,” while another user commented on the interruption to their scrolling flow. One Reddit user stated, “Thought I’ve been taking crazy pills for two days because this is currently happening with me and I couldn’t find any info anywhere other than your recent post. So thank you… and goodbye IG. I have no need for that.”