This article was last updated 8 years ago

Credits: Flickr

Uber has had better times. Definitely. Things have not been at their best for the company and now, something has come up that could spell fresh trouble for the world’s most valuable startup. A 2013 letter has been obtained by Recode, that shows CEO Travis Kalanick joking with his employees about some totally inappropriate and serious topics.

So, the emails were sent way back in 2013 when the company had kicked off operations in its 50th city and were circulated among all of Uber’s 400 or so employees. Among other things, CEO and Founder Travis Kalanick writes:

  • Do not throw large kegs off of tall buildings. Please talk to Ryan McKillen and Amos Barreto for specific insights on this topic.
  • Do not have sex with another employee UNLESS a) you have asked that person for that privilege and they have responded with an emphatic “YES! I will have sex with you” AND b) the two (or more) of you do not work in the same chain of command. Yes, that means that Travis will be celibate on this trip. #CEOLife #FML.
  • Drugs and narcotics will not be tolerated unless you have the appropriate medicinal licensing.

Among other circumstances, the letters could have been laughed off as some good natured banter between Kalanick and his team. However, these e-mails have been revealed at a time when Uber’s workplace culture is facing serious questions following former employee Susan Fowler’s allegation of sexual harassment, that went ignored despite complaints.

These e-mails could give people disgruntled with the company, of whom there is no shortage nowadays (read the 20+ employees Uber fire very recently), material to question Kalanick’s judgment and leadership. Indeed, the timing of the leak suggests that the company’s employees aren’t happy with the recent firing — which included that of senior executives.

Meanwhile, let’s await Uber’s official position on the matter.

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