This article was last updated 3 years ago

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Speaking about the proposed H-1B visa changes being considered in the US, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has urged the United States to keep an open mind with regards to allowing skilled Indian workers into the country. This came after the Prime Minister met with a 26-member delegation from the US Congress.

PM Modi’s office released the following statement after his meeting with the delegation, and urged the United States to consider the proposed H-1B visa reforms carefully.

The prime minister referred to the role of skilled Indian talent in enriching the American economy and society.

He urged developing a reflective, balanced and far-sighted perspective on movement of skilled professionals

India has a vast IT services industry that according to estimates, has a worth well over $150 Billion. The industry is home to gigantic companies like Infosys and TCS, which are known for sending employees to the US to work upon their client’s projects. Assuming that the new H-1B visa changes that are being discussed are enforced in their current format, it won’t bode well for India’a IT industry.

And there is no guarantee that it will serve the aim of creating more jobs in the US either. As per NASSCOM, which had communicated with us regarding the impact of the proposed H-1B visa changes:

The Lofgren Bill contains provisions that may prove challenging for the Indian IT sector and will also leave loopholes that will nullify the objective of saving American jobs.

The NASSCOM has been actively lobbying US lawmakers and companies, in an attempt to ensure that these reforms are not pushed.

Meanwhile, whether or not the reforms succeed in creating more jobs for the US, the Indian IT sector will be hurt. What’s more, US corporations will have to spend significantly more resources in obtaining the same level of skills from domestic workers — considering that the salary expected by a worker from the US is generally more than that expected by an equally skilled foreign worker.

President Trump’s proposed reforms, that include a higher salary bar for foreign nationals who are looking to take up jobs in the US, have been met with hostility by various companies. The Indian IT sector, with corporations like the Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys Ltd and Wipro Ltd, is actively protesting against the proposals. The sector employs over 3 million people and such a drastic measure is very likely to affect them as well.

Meanwhile, the delegation from the United States congress refused to comment on visa reforms.

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