This article was published 9 yearsago

First McLaren, and now it seems as if Apple is trying to get its hands on yet another automobile manufacturer.  The New York Times is now reporting that the Cupertino giant is currently in acquisition talks with Lit Motors, a startup that specializes in self-balancing motorcycles.

Apple’s secretive car project dubbed Project Titan seems to be the main focus here. Apparently, the company has been working on this project for years and now, it wants to hire experts in order to make its dream a reality. With McLaren and Lit Motors under its arm, Apple will surely be able to pull Titan through.

The New York Times reports that Apple has already hired away “several” former Lit Motors engineers. For the curious ones, Lit Motors specializes in concept cars that might even seem like something from a sci-fi book. Its motto is “We are creating the future of transportation, today” and its most well-known project is the C-1 vehicle, which looks like a cross between a motorcycle and Google’s self-driving car prototype.

Although these acquisitions aren’t yet finalized, the whole development seems to be unfolding quite well. It will be interesting to see if Apple actually buys in two automobile-based companies and if it does, how it will use their tech and expertise to built its own supercars.

As a fresh update, McLaren has denied any sorts of acquisition talks with Apple.

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