This article was published 9 yearsago


Innovation is one of the key features of Tesla. Upholding this same principle, the company announced today that it is introducing a new way to sell its Model X SUV. The company said that the Model X will be shown off to potential customers via Tesla-branded “Design Studios.”

These Design Studios are nothing but six Airstream trailers that the company has refitted to suit its needs. People interested in the automobile will be encouraged to make contact will the personnel on-board called product specialists.

The main advantage is that these Model X-towed trailers can travel to places where there are no physical Tesla stores. This will allow the company to gain more coverage and potentially increase its customer base.

According to the company, the first few stops of the new Design Studios line around places which actually have Tesla showrooms. Portland, Seattle and Tampa will start the list. People interested in buying the company’s electric SUV are encouraged to request a car to visit their hometown on the Tesla Explores website.

While there might still be slight opposition to the ways of Tesla– like Texas where the dealership lobby fought hard against the company’s direct-to-consumer business– the new business tactic seems to be quite intuitive for users. Interested customers can directly see what they can expect from the product and in case they have any queries, the experts will be just behind the vehicle.

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